A week ago, I experienced pure Disney magic at it's finest.
I finally put the borders on our PhotoPass photos a week ago. It was the last day they were going to be available and I really had no choice. It was difficult. I found myself crying a few times as I looked at Papa smiling back at me in the photos. I caught myself chuckling at the photos from Chef Mickey's where he's got his hand in Mickey's fruit bowl. They're priceless.
After adding a ton of borders to the photos, I went to checkout and purchase the photos though Memory Maker. At the time I was on the phone with the PhotoPass cast member, he had asked me if we had pre-purchased Memory Maker. I said no but that we were planning to. I added that we definitely were getting them since those were the last memories I have of my grandfather.
At the time, the gentleman had told me to check out the exact way he had it set up. He explained that since I needed the second extension, I would need to use a different code to check out with Memory Maker so I would get all of my photos. He was kind enough to add the special code to my cart for me. I couldn’t understand why he set the cart up if it was simply a different listing, but I figured it out when I checked out. My confusion only grew when I saw we had a credit in my account for $199. I went through the check out process while on the phone with my mother who had her credit card in hand, ready to pay. Even then, I held my breath until I was 100% sure of it.
The kind-hearted PhotoPass cast member gave us Memory Maker for free since I had said those moments at Walt Disney World were the last memories I have of my Papa. I don't even remember his name, but I wish I could thank him. I don't think he'll ever know how much it meant to me. When I attempted to tell my mother, I was sobbing like an idiot and she could barely understand me. Eventually, I got together enough to spit it out and she told Nana. They both broke into tears as well.
We are all completely touched by his generosity. Thank you kind PhotoPass cast member, whoever you are. You brought us pixie dust at a time when we really needed it and for that I will always be incredibly grateful. I really love the magic of Disney. °o°