The last week of Elissa's trip we wanted to do as many things as possible before she had to go home to California. We made a list of must do's and decided that we'll get a head start on next year's plans with the things we didn't do this year!
Friday night, we went over to Old Orchard Beach. Elissa and Eliot wanted more Pier Fries and I thought it might be nice to walk over on the beach. Elissa played in the surf while Eliot buried my foot in the sand. I've never been on the beach so late, but it was so relaxing. We even saw three sets of fireworks in the distance. Sand, surf and stars... what more could you ask for?
Saturday morning, we got up early to head towards Bar Harbor. We again because there were a few more things we still wanted to do. This trip, we changed it up a little and planned a stop in Freeport along the way. Freeport has a ton of outlet stores and it reminds me of Bar Harbor. It's also the home of LL Bean.
Mainers really take pride in the LL Bean brand. The LL Bean Flagship Store is open 24 hours a day 365 days a year. It also has an aquarium and a fish pond inside it. There are also animals on display that are native to Maine.
Eliot and I love to shop for our duffel bags and luggage there. They also have great outdoors supplies! One of Eliot's all time favorite LL Bean items is their lime Manatee kayak. (Yes, he's hugging the kayak.) We really need to get one of those for him...
We poked around a few stores before deciding it was time to eat. I was pushing for the McDonald's and neither Eliot nor Elissa could understand why. I finally won out by insisting it was the quickest option we had, and that we had to get back on the road. I really had an ulterior motive, to show them the interior and exterior of the McDonald's. It's located in an old house since Freeport requires all of the stores to have a more uniform style. It's pretty cool to see a McDonald's in an old house!
After, we got back on the road and made one more stop on the way. Elissa wanted to stop at the Augusta Pet Smart so she and Eliot went there and went next door to AC Moore. They later dragged me into the pet store insisting that I had to see something. Then, they showed me the cutest little 8 week old kittens. We quickly fell in love with "Pearl" and "Diamond", pictured below. They kept playing with Eliot's hands outside the glass. It's too bad he's allergic to cats, or we might have some new furry friends.

We eventually arrived at my parent's house an hour before the next event on our agenda: The Great Maine Lumberjack Show! We quickly got settled in and headed over to the show. The show is located right in my hometown and was started by Timber Tina (from Survivor). It features logging sports events like axe throwing, log rolling, crosscut sawing and my all time favorite: pole climbing! I hadn't been to the show in years, but it was just as good as I remember it! Eliot and Elissa loved it!
We ended the night with a campfire at Mom and Dad's campsite. We talked and laughed over the fire, made campfire cones and s'mores, and Elissa entertained us. She dubbed herself Chief and danced around the fire trying to make it bigger. Dad named her "Chief Clickity Clack" (she was wearing sandals) and I'm surprised I didn't bust a gut laughing.
Sunday morning we went to Thunder Hole in Acadia. It's one of the big tourist attractions on the island and I wanted Elissa to see it before she left. Eliot and I hadn't been in a few years ourselves. I was really happy that you could hear a little bit of thundering!
We walked around the coastline after getting our fill of Thunder Hole. (We had a few minutes to spare until the next bus came.) I took a ton of pictures.
You can't beat the beauty of Acadia! It's no wonder Acadia National Park was voted America's Favorite Place on Good Morning America! Check out this amazing view!!!
We headed into town long enough to grab a few more cookies from the sub shop. Of course, we couldn't leave before going for a swim over at the campground pool! Mom and Dad even joined us! It was later in the day and we had the entire pool to ourselves!
Monday night, we took Elissa back over to Old Orchard Beach again, but this time it was dusk. We wanted to spend a little time on the beach before it got totally dark.
We enjoyed the view. As it got darker, Eliot and Elissa buried both of my feet in the sand.
Elissa spent Tuesday packing. Once Eliot got home, we spent the evening having fun. The three of us had a short lived silly string fight in our driveway. (Note to self: get bigger cans next time.) Then we took her to Cracker Barrel in South Portland for dinner. She had been telling us how good their macaroni and cheese was and talking about going there the whole trip. We thought it was a good way to end her last full day in Maine.
Wednesday morning, my Mom arrived at our house bright and early. (She had been down in New Hampshire dropping my Dad and brother off at the airport for their seven am flight to San Diego for Comic Con.) She volunteered to drive the three of us down to Boston and I was happy to have her come with us! Elissa, Mom and I went over to the Longhorn Steakhouse for an early lunch. Elissa decided she loves Longhorn during this trip so Mom and I had planned to take her there while Eliot was at work.
Once Eliot got home from work around noon, we packed the car and were on our way. Before we knew it, we were at the airport. Mom and I said goodbye to Elissa and she and Eliot went through security. Her flight was delayed for an hour or more. I'm glad they let Eliot have a gate pass so she didn't have to sit all by herself the whole time. Mom and I hung out in the Burger King and watched the planes landing and taking off. Eventually, Elissa got on her flight home and Eliot joined Mom and me.
For now, "Camp Cady" has officially come to an end. But next summer will be a ton of fun and I'm already looking forward to it! "Camp Cady" will return in Summer of 2015! °o°