Hey Everyone!
I'm sorry that I never got back to do my Halloween post over the weekend! Saturday Eliot and I were really busy with taking all of the decorations down and packing them all away. Then Sunday threw me completely for a loop with the time change. I keep thinking that it's 4 or 5 in the afternoon and then I look at the clock and it's only 1:30 or 2. (That happened to me at least 2 times today.) I keep feeling like I am getting extra hours all over the place, but I'm completely exhausted too. I went to bed "early" last night and my bed is already calling me now... anyways!
Here is the Halloween Decoration post that I promised! We went a little crazy with the outside decorations. As I've mentioned before, this is the first time that we've had a house and a yard to decorate! I've become used to decorating a small apartment porch with a few light strands so we had fun this time around. Here are our outdoor decorations at dusk. (I wanted to take a few pictures before it got really dark.)
We brought our Kermit and Captain Jack Sparrow jack o'lanterns out on our porch for the night. We also have our Mike and Sulley door greeters and my inflatable Vampire Tigger!
Here is what our house looked like when it was dark. We never ended up having any trick or treaters, probably because it was pouring out. But we ventured out to take a few photos! (We really need one more orange rope light to complete the garage side...) We also got cool pathway lights. Eliot went light crazy and added a few of our Christmas netting lights to some of our bushes. But it did help light up the path.
Our window display was my big project this year. We used my
Mickey Candy Corn garland for the top of the display as well as some Halloween garland. We also added Captain Hook Mickey and Tinkerbell Minnie door greeters.
Halloween Duffy, Mickey, Minnie, Red Sox Tigger and Sailor Duffy made appearances facing towards the outdoors.
This is the display at night with the outside lights from our porch.
The lights outside made our window clings glow and it looked pretty cool.
And this is the window view from the outside. Our porch looked all orange from the lights!
Since it was raining, I brought Mike and Sulley inside and put them on the bookshelf in our entryway. We also had a few welcome signs and my large Tinkerbell sign that I got from the DisneyStore online a few years ago.
Our Mickey and Minnie figures and snow globes from Wal-Mart were tucked into our wine shelves in the dining room.
And as you've seen
before, here are my Halloween kitchen cupboard decorations.
Halloween isn't complete without the candy! I couldn't find my large candy bowl, so I improvised with a Halloween bag that my Nana made me when I was little. I did a quality assurance test on the candy mid-day to make sure that it was ok. (he he...)
Finally, the Many Adventures of Eeyore
continue. Since Eliot and I have no kids, or pets, and had no trick or treaters Halloween night, and I couldn't even find Nightmare Before Christmas OR Hocus Pocus on tv, we had to have some Halloween fun somehow. I surprised Eliot earlier in the day by making Eeyore a costume. Eliot loves the San Jose Sharks hockey team, so I decided to modify Eeyore's usual jersey that he wears for games. His Build-A-Bear jersey usually is number 00, so the only possible way to make him a "Shark" for the day was to make him #88, Brent Burns.
Brent Burns had been growing out a beard so he could raise money and then shave it for charity. (Which he did the other day.) But I knew that this was the perfect costume for Eeyore and that Eliot would get a kick out of it. So, Eeyore "grew" a felt beard, I changed his jersey numbers with stickers and he was Brent Burns for Halloween. He even got a trick or treat bag to complete the look.
I did mention that we were a little bored, right? Anyways, I took photos of Eeyore with a few of his "friends" around the house. And I thought it would be funny to stuff some candy in his treat bag. I was actually really, really disappointed that we didn't get any trick or treaters, so Eeyore was forced to make up for it. (Apparently, he really likes Kit Kat bars and M&Ms.)
Finally, we "gave" Eeyore a small Duffy bear that was his size. I used a Duffy keychain that Eliot had his Mom grab at Disneyland and took the keychain part off of it. Ta-da! Instant small teddy bear. I personally think that it's adorable. I know that we're nuts... but you have to admit that he looks cute in his costume sitting next to Duffy.
So, that was our Halloween 2013!
We're already coming up with ideas for next year. We bought some Disney window clings that were on sale after Halloween at Walgreen's. As I mentioned in my Jack O'Lantern
post, I'd like to add some Haunted Mansion Hitchiking Ghosts to our collection. I had a million projects that I wanted to do this year but I just didn't make the time to do them! Next year, I'm hoping to add some Haunted Mansion inspired quotes to my word printables. We've got a lot of wall space.
I have some wreaths that I need to make. I bought some supplies with they first went on sale at ACMoore but I didn't actually make a wreath with them! I also had some ideas for some throw pillows and some outdoor decorations. I guess between now and next Halloween I'll be really busy making Halloween 2014 awesome!