Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Walt Disney

Hello Friends!  I've missed out on a few days of blogging since I've been fighting a head cold all week.  On a the plus side, I've had my own personal "Once Upon A Time" Season 1 marathon from the comfort of our couch.  Today I'm finally feeling better so I wanted to check in on my blog!

Image Source: The Disney Wiki (Link here.)
Today is also a special day as it marks 112 years since Walt Disney was born.  Walter Elias Disney was born on December 5, 1901.  

I owe Walt a debit of gratitude.  Without him, this blog wouldn't exist, I wouldn't have had the most incredible wedding, and I don't know if I would have ever wished on a star.  (I probably can blame the lack of money in my wallet on him too.  But our lack of willpower could also be to blame so I'll let that one slide.)

Image Source: The Walt Disney Company (Link here.)
I think that one of the things that inspires me most about Walt, is that the sky was the limit with his imagination.  When I decided to pursue interior design in college, I wanted to design everything.  You can't think "too big" in terms of Disney.  Everything is larger than life and it's amazing.  My least favorite part of my design classes were always when there were parameters.  I suppose that even Disney has limits, but it's that sky high mentality that has always drawn me.  (My creative side doesn't like rules or boundaries.)

Image Source: Pinterest (Link to pin here.)
I've had a lot of time to figure out what I want to do career wise this year.  No matter what I do, I can't seem to narrow it down to one thing.  I want to do travel planning, interior design, landscape design, graphic design, jewelry making, crafting, painting, wedding planning, and so much more.  And why should I have to narrow it down?  I look at all of the incredible things that Disney (both Walt and as a company) has created over the years and it gives me a new determination to follow all of my dreams.

Happy Birthday Walt.  
Thank you for wishing on stars, dreaming big and never giving up!  °o°

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