The school year is winding down and I thought it would be fun to share a few of the things I've stumbled across in my travels online. I love the Oh My Disney blog Disney writes. It's got a lot of fun quizzes, free printables, and random posts that take me back to my childhood. (Can anyone say Darkwing Duck and Disney Afternoons? Le sigh.) I've compiled a list of Disney learning related posts for your enjoyment.
How to Learn Disney Style:
The Periodic Table of Disney
This is awesome. I never took chemistry and thus, never learned too much about the Periodic Table of Elements. (I skipped it to take Physics instead.) However, that doesn't matter because this is nothing short of awesome. They found something Disney related for every single element on the table. Make sure to enlarge the photo to enjoy it in it's entirety. I really want to rock it out on a t-shirt. Nerdy girls rule right?
Solving For Disney
Another fun thing I stumbled across were some Disney "math" problems. I love math and I've always been good at it. (A perk of being the daughter of two accountants!) I know math isn't everyone's favorite subject, but you have to admit these problems are awesome. Who wouldn't want to solve Disney "math" problems?
I really love this next one!
Put 'em together and what have you got?
Yes. This is wonderful.
Yes. Please excuse me while I sing this the rest of the evening...
Can anyone get this next one? Yes? Virtual cookie for you!
Disneyland Puzzles
What better way to celebrate Disneyland's 60th Anniversary then by solving some Disneyland Attraction puzzles?
These are really great. I wish they'd come out with more of them! This last one is one of my all time favorite attractions!!!
So, how did you do? Did you get the answers to all of the Disney puzzles? Did you earn your ears? I admit that I only got 9/10 of them. (The globe one threw me for a loop. It's been a while since I saw that movie!) However, 9/10 is still a passing grade; I'll take it! Speaking of numbers... this is my 250th blog post! Woo-hoo!!! °o°