Monday, December 30, 2024

2024 Goals and Year In Review- Transform & Emerge 🦋

It's been a while since I've done a year in review post.  (I think the last time was all the way back in 2021...😳)  Eliot and I were traveling to Walt Disney World for New Year's Eve of 2022 and I ran out of time.  And I just stopped blogging all together after my Dad died in August of 2023.  So now I'm back in what feels like uncharted territory.

After quite a few personal gut checks, I don't think I want to do a year in review like I have in the past.  In years before, I would share highlights of each month with you, linking back to previous blog posts.  There aren't many blog posts to link back to in 2024... and to be honest, I would rather forget a good portion of this year.

But something is calling me to write this post, and I believe that I've finally figured out why.  I think it's because I learned a lot and grew a lot as a person.  So here goes... 

I'm going to to be 100% transparent, I spent the majority of 2024 pretty much miserable and wallowing in my own puddle of feelings.  The emotions I've experienced vary from the highest of highs, to the lowest of lows.  It was a year of transition for me, as my family still had a lot of "firsts" to go through without my Dad.  We had more birthdays, anniversaries and other holidays to navigate.  For the most part, I'd like to think that I went through them with as much grace as I could muster.

I didn't share my 2024 goals or my words of the year at the beginning of 2024, but I still wrote some down.  I knew 2024 was going to be a year filled with a lot of change, so I chose TRANSFORM and EMERGE for my 2024 Words of the Year.  I've never chosen more than one word before, but I felt it was necessary this time.  All I could picture was a butterfly.  It starts out as one thing, and then transforms into something completely different.  It's still the same little caterpillar that formed it's chrysalis, but it emerges as a butterfly, new and beautiful in it's own way. ðŸ¦‹  This was what I hoped for myself.

And I honestly didn't think I was going to get there.  I was running out of time... 2024 was rushing past me and the end of the year was sneaking up on me.

But Eliot's and my two week vacation, our trip to Walt Disney World, spending time in my favorite place, being surrounded in holiday magic and voyaging on the Disney Wish sparked something in me.  I left for that trip a caterpillar, somehow I unknowingly put myself into a magical Disney chrysalis, and I returned home a butterfly. ðŸ¦‹

I actually feel like me again.  And it's been a long time since I've felt like myself.

The mental and emotional toll of the things I've experienced over the past two years would be a lot for anyone.  And it's just an unfortunate part of life that I've experienced all the things that I have... right about at the same time.  I know that there's still a lot of emotions and feelings left for me to navigate and process through.  And that won't change... emotions and feelings are a never-ending and ever-evolving process.  

But I feel like I've finally transformed and emerged into the new version of myself.  The version who has been through some pretty intense stuff the past two years, but is ready and more equipped to take care of herself moving forward. 💖

So I guess if there's any goals that I'm glad I accomplished this year, it was this one. °o°

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