Tuesday, December 31, 2024

There's a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow

As I mentioned in my post yesterday, 2024 was a year of major adjustment for me.  I’ve experienced a lot of extreme highs and extreme lows this year.  But for the first time in forever… I feel good about the future and where I’m at right now.  The girl right here has returned to me, and this is what I want to take into the new year.

She’s happy, smiling, and a bright rainbow of sunshine.

I'll admit, she hasn't gotten the best treatment from me lately.  (And in reality, she hasn't gotten the best treatment from a lot of people through the years.)  She's put herself and a lot of her needs on the back-burner for far too long.  But she matters.  So going forward, my new motto is that "everything I do, I do it for you…" 

I do it for this girl, who lost most of her sparkle over the last two difficult years of her life.  The girl who thought she had everything… only to have the illusion ripped away from her.  The girl who at times felt like she’d lost absolutely everything… and she had, because she lost herself.  I do it for the girl who finally got her sparkle back when she was sprinkled with two weeks of magic and pixie dust.  I do it for the girl who left Maine a caterpillar and returned home from Florida a butterfly.

The biggest thing that I've learned this year is that you can't pump water from a dried up well.  I've been trying to pull from something that wasn't there... and this girl took the brunt of a lot of heat for it.  But still she tried to, and in the process, she learned better.

If I'm not nourishing myself and my own garden, I won't have the energy to tend to anyone else's garden.  And everyone is going to have to accept that.  I massively burnt myself out... so much so that I completely lost myself.  And now that my sparkle is back, I'm not going to let anyone or anything take it away from me.

Moving forward, this girl is who I want to be.  She's the most important person in my life.  She's the only person who will be with me from the day I was born until the day that I die.  She's the person who I do everything for... because she deserves it.  

May 2025 be her best year yet... filled with more happiness, smiles, and bright rainbows of sunshine.  Because "There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow, just a dream away!" °o°

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