Saturday, February 1, 2025

February Focus ✨

Happy February Everyone! 💕

The first month of 2025 is in the books... and as usual, it flew right by me.

This week started out a little shaky... literally.  (Maine had a 3.8 magnitude earthquake on Monday that I definitely felt!)  But thankfully, it's taken a turn for the better.  I started the week feeling completely defeated and now I feel like I could take on the world. 

This year, I've definitely got my goal getter cap on and it feels like I'm a woman on a mission.  However if I'm going to get anything done, I've gotta get working on smaller goals in order to achieve the bigger things that I've got my sights set on.

Some of those smaller goals started this past week.  It's no secret that Eliot and I have been working behind the scenes on new business ideas.  This week, the groundwork for one of my newer ideas was laid out.  Accounts have been set up, the design process has started, supply lists have been made, and most exciting for me, product and sample brainstorming has begun!  I see a lot of fun happening over the coming weeks. 💖

I also see a lot of cleaning and organizing (both mentally and physically) in my future.  There are gonna be a lot of lists... and there's probably not going to be as much time for other things.  I'm committed to my 2025 goals and what I want for myself this year.  However, I want to assure you that I am still planning to continue posting on here more often.  I'm just not sure how often and how in depth the posts will be.  But I've already got 5 posts up for January and today will be post six.  Considering that I only had 12 posts for all of last year, I'm already halfway to that number and off to a good start!

That makes me feel really good, because my January was kind of a hot mess and all over the place.  I'm in that weird place where I simultaneously feel like I got a ton of stuff done, and also nothing done.  So I'll be trying to take February to re-focus and get myself set up for the rest of the year.  

It's time to get my February Focus on!  °o°

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