Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope you get to spend it with the people you love!

Eliot and I have a low-key evening planned.  We figured that all of the local restaurants would probably be a zoo since it's Valentine's Day and a Friday.  Plus, we have another snow storm coming tomorrow, so if people are planning to go out to celebrate, it's going to be tonight!  Instead, we opted for a quiet night at home watching movies and the Olympics on our DVR!

Photo Source: Walt Disney World Facebook Page
We exchanged our cards earlier and decided to skip the gift giving this year.  We've already eaten enough candy hearts in the last month.  Seriously, I probably ate at least 2 pounds of them.  I love fresh flowers, but they'll eventually die.

Photo Source: Disneyland Facebook Page
Honestly, we'd much rather save our money for another trip to Disney!  Registration for WDW Marathon Weekend 2015 is in April!  Yikes!  Save those pennies!  Anyways... 

Photo Source: Walt Disney World Facebook Page
Earlier today, I had way too much fun posting Valentine's Day cards on all of our friends Facebook walls.  Walt Disney World and Disneyland both released a few pictures to "share" on your Valentine's wall.  If you haven't seen them, check them out!  I've posted a few here as a preview!  They're pretty cute!  (And it's quick and free to send if you forgot a gift for that special someone in your life!)

Have a great night everyone!  Don't eat too much candy!   °o°

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