New IllusionEars for D23
Hi friends! We've been busy around here as usual. I find the days flying by without time for me to even think about writing. I'm holding the fort down while Eliot's away. He's been home in California all this week. A good family friend passed away unexpectedly last week and he went out for his memorial service. Since Eliot was already flying out Thursday for D23 this weekend, he just stayed the entire week!
In the meantime, I've been keeping myself busy. My friend Shelly's baby shower was this past Sunday. It was so nice to see my Wentworth girls again! Lately, I've only seen my college girlfriends once a year and this was really special. Shelly's sister did a great job with the storybook theme! I was right in my element with the little Disney touches. Shelly's niece was stunned when I told her I "borrowed" Cinderella's coach for our wedding. She was so cute!
The shower was a lot of fun. I love the cute baby outfits! Of course, I had to spoil her little one with lots of Minnie Mouse stuff. We had a great time and it was so good to reconnect with my friends! Hopefully I'll see them again sooner rather than later!
It was right back to work after the shower. Since Eliot had to leave early, that left me finishing the new IllusionEars for D23. Thankfully, Eliot finished the designs before he left. I've been putting the finishing touches on them and mailed them out earlier today.
Eliot's sisters agreed to be our models for the weekend. We had them choose their themes- illustrating the sky is the limit when it comes to designs for IllusionEars. Elissa wanted Inside Out Anger ears and Sara wanted a Lion King design. Eliot ended up designing Simba ears for her. They came out pretty cute and they also show off two more design options for our IllusionEars: painted one color or two colors! (I'm currently working on a set of Disneyland 60th ears for myself with other options.)
If you're at D23 or Disneyland this weekend, keep an eye out for the IllusionEars!!! °o°
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