Hey guys! Eliot and I are back from our visit with Mickey. Ok, so we actually got home Tuesday night (aka Wednesday morning) at about 1:30 am. Yesterday, I literally sat on the couch all day except to use the bathroom and eat. I'm sick with a head cold/sinus infection and I've got a terrible cough. I'm feeling a little better today, but my right ear is still clogged; I'm still stuffed up and my cough has only gotten worse. Ugh.
We had an amazing trip but I definitely Disney-ed myself out this time. We were gone for 10 days including our travel day down. Add three 3:00 am mornings and a ton of races and walking to the mix and you have a recipe for disaster. Our last day there, I was so tired and weak that I could barely get out of bed. I got up to shower, got dressed and crawled back into bed. It was all I could do to get myself to the Magic Kingdom for a few hours before we had to catch our Magical Express. On the way home, I was out cold on both flights. Eliot drove home because he didn't think I should, and I fell asleep in the car. Then, I went to bed as soon as we got home. I can safely say that I've never done that before! I couldn't keep my eyes open!
But my complete exhaustion proves it was a great trip. We had fun visiting with Eliot's family. His sisters were there less than 3 days, but we were able to spend one day at Magic Kingdom together. Eliot and I spent a lot of time with his parents which we don't usually get to do. We also did more runDisney events than we ever have in one trip- and now we know more of what to expect when and if Eliot ever does Dopey. (Hint: I'll be sleeping in during some of his races. Clearly, this girl needs her beauty sleep!)
I'll be filling you in on our trip more over the next week or so. I'll probably do another quick recap like I did last trip! Also, stay tuned for our trip bucket list results! We got a lot done this trip despite how busy we were with runDisney events!
For now, I'm going to go back to my couch to rest a little more. Just keep resting, just keep resting, just keep resting, napping, resting. °o°
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