Thursday, August 8, 2019

Toy Story 4 Review

Eliot and I did it... we FINALLY saw Toy Story 4 over the weekend!!!  I've been looking forward to seeing this movie all summer.  Yet, when I saw social media posts about how many of my friends cried when they saw it... I realized that maybe I shouldn't be in such a rush to have my heart ripped out of my chest.  I'd already bawled my eyes out at the end of Toy Story 3 after all.  Naturally, Eliot and I have been crazy busy, but we finally set aside some time to go to the movie theater to see it.

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I was correct in my assumption that it would be an emotional movie.  Thankfully, we were at the super late movie and there were only four groups in the theater- all young adults.  I don't mind going to movies with kids in the audience, but I wanted to really soak this movie in.  And I didn't want to be sobbing in front of a bunch of children who wouldn't get the deep emotional connection that we have to the characters.  After all, these characters have been part of our lives for 24 years.

I liked the movie... I want to say that I loved it, but the ending shook me.  However, it was everything that I expected it to be.  I can't say that I was surprised by the ending.  I think deep down, I knew it was coming.  I had heard that this was being considered the last of the Toy Story movies... unless they found a really good story to tell for a 5th installment.  I won't lie, I'd love to see another movie 10 years from now with Andy somehow getting Woody and the gang back to give to his children.  Talk about tears!

The animation was spectacular.  It never ceases to amaze me how animators can make the toys and world totally come to life.  You can see the world from a human perspective, but they flawlessly make you enter the world from a toys point of view as well.  The montage with Andy and Bonnie and the toys was beautiful.  It was a great way to recap everything that had happened over the past 3 movies.

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The new characters in Toy Story 4 were fun.  I found myself growing more attached to them than I have with the introduction to Bonnie's toys and the Sunnyside Daycare toys.  Ducky and Bunny were so funny.  They brought a lot of much needed humor to the storyline.  I also enjoyed Duke Caboom, Giggle McDimples and Bo Peep's sheep- Billy, Goat and Gruff.  It was also nice to see Bo Peep in a strong female role.

My absolute favorite part of the story was Forky.  I knew that I'd love him.  I could tell from the previews that he would be funny.  I found myself roaring with laughter at his antics.  He had the best lines.  I couldn't help but fall for the cute little utensil.  And the ending scene in the credits with Bonnie's other new toy... priceless.

My love for Forky was so strong that we'd already bought a few Forky things before I'd even seen the movie.  I have a keychain that my brother Jeremy gave me.  Eliot and I bought a few Pop Vinyl figures.  Then, I bought us matching Forky t-shirts a few weeks ago.  Eliot surprised me with a little Forky figurine when he came home from work one night.  And another night he brought home a Toy Story 4 t-shirt for me and a Forky t-shirt for himself.  In fact, we wore those when we went to see the movie!

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All-in-all, I did enjoy the movie.  I can't say that it's one of my favorites but I did like it.  It was a great way to tie everything up for the characters.  And, as much as the ending completely broke my heart, it was the only way to end the story.

Thank you Woody, Buzz and gang for welcoming us into your world and giving us 24 years of magic.  I will always love you to infinity and beyond.  °o°

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