Thursday, January 2, 2025

2025 Disney Goals

It's 2025... what a great time to feel alive!!!  

Today I'm back with one of my favorite annual traditions... setting goals.  I'm not super into resolutions, but goals I can get behind.  Each year, I write a bunch down and set out to accomplish as many of them as I can.  It's usually a pretty tall order, but I enjoy having some direction when the new year begins.

This year, I've decided to switch things up a little since I last posted my goals on here back in 2022.  Back then, I was still putting most of my goals on one list... and since then, I've expanded my lists.  I now have a Disney goal list, as well as a personal list and a blog list.  I'm not going to share the personal list because it's personal, and the blog list is pretty boring.  But I've made my Disney list more concise with goals to make everyday a little more magical.  So let's dive in to the fun stuff!

Melissa's Disney Goals for 2025

1.) Design a Miniature Scene
2.) Hang Disney Artwork and Pictures in Upstairs Hallway
3.) Beverage Station/Bar Set Up
4.) Decorate the House for the Holidays

Paint Disney Nails
6.) Make Disney Home Decor for the House
7.) Use My Disney Planner
8.) Make Decor for the Holidays

9.) Make Disney Accessories

10.) Watch All of the Classic Disney Animated Movies

11.) Have Disney Board Game Nights

12.) Wear More Disneybound/Themed Outfits
13.) Watch All of the Marvel Movies
14.) Put Together a Disney Puzzle

15.) Design an Imagineering Project

16.) Watch All of the Live Action Disney Movies (Classic Re-Makes)

17.) Paint Disney Art

18.) Decorate House with Disney Touches

19.) Launch New Business Ideas

Make Donkey Costumes and/or Outfits
21.) Read Disney Books
22.) Watch All of the Pixar Animated Movies
23.) Customize Clothing with Embellishments
24.) Finish Bathrooms
25.) Watch All of the Star Wars Movies

I'm pretty excited about this list!  Most of them are creative goals, and I really need to get some personal creativity time back into my life.  Eliot and I love our businesses, but sometimes I feel more like a production line than a designer.  So I want to make time to make things for me... simply because I love making and creating things.

As you all know, I'm into home decor and interior design, so those are obviously some pretty big ones for me.  I'm also hoping to work on more costumes and fashion designs this year.  It's been a while since I've watched most of the animated Disney and Pixar movies.  I haven't seen Star Wars in a very long time... and I've never seen most of the Marvel movies.  (One of my personal goals was to get more steps in... so I figure I can crush that while watching some of these movies!)

I've decided that my 2025 Word of the Year is ABUNDANCE.  It suddenly came to me a few weeks ago, and I just felt very connected to it.  It feels like the past few years have been filled with an abundance of sadness, change and uncertainty.  So this year, I'm manifesting an abundance of wonderful things like joy, peace, productivity, money, creativity, happiness, and magic.

I'm really hoping that I can cross a good portion of these off this year... 

It's time to thrive... let's do this 2025. °o°

Photos taken from the Disney Store's website from items in their 2025 collection.

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