2019 was an adjustment for me. It was my first full year of self-employment. With that, I had a lot of highs and a lot of lows. Being your own boss is both super rewarding and torture. You have no one else to blame but yourself when things go wrong. However, when things are going right... you feel like you're on top of the world.
The thing I think of first when someone says 2019 is traveling. Because I was working from home and could make my own schedule, Eliot and I had the opportunity to travel a ton! We went on so many trips! I'm planning to do more reviews of our adventures, and I'll go back and tackle them here and there when I have time. (Both trip and yearly review posts take a lot of time to write so I really have to make time to do them!)
Here's a quick overview of Eliot's and my 2019. (Side note: Gosh, I really miss 2019...)
2019 Year In Review:
January- We rang in the new year in Fort Collins, Colorado with Eliot's family. While there, we went sightseeing at the Denver Zoo. We also went to a Sharks game against Colorado Avalanche. Eliot and I returned home for a few days before we were off to Florida. We spent a few days at Walt Disney World. We went to our first Festival of the Arts. We also went to the Sharks games against the Florida teams. Before heading home, we flew to San Jose for the NHL All Star Weekend.
February- The Patriots won the Super Bowl. Eliot and I went to a few UNE Hockey games with Elissa. I took a few acrylic paint pouring classes and got addicted to how much fun it was. Towards the end of the month, Eliot and I went back to Florida for the Princess Half Marathon Weekend.
March- March was a total blur. I was sick from our trip to Florida and my ear wouldn't pop. I started my spring sewing class. I also took my first resin geode class. Eliot and I went our to San Jose at the end of the month to see a few home Sharks games.
April- I returned home from California and was pretty sick for a few days. I helped Mom and Dad with the last few days of tax season. Eliot and I kept busy watching San Jose Sharks playoff games pretty much every other day for the entire month. Eliot and I also took a resin geode class together and he really enjoyed it too.
June- In June, Eliot and I went to Tennessee to help Elissa settle into her apartment for her summer internship. We went to Dollywood, explored the sights in Nashville, and went to the Nashville Zoo where Elissa would be working. After returning back to Maine, I kept busy getting caught up with mouse ear orders. Towards the end of the month I went to Funtown Splashtown with my cousin Kaitlin and her three boys.
July- Eliot and I went to Bar Harbor for the 4th of July. My brother wasn't able to make it so later that weekend my family all met up in Old Orchard Beach. Eliot and I kept ourselves busy with orders. We took a day trip to Massachusetts for the Toy Story keys. We saw Lion King and Aladdin at our local drive-in movie theater. I celebrated Christmas in July with a sneak peek of all the holiday merchandise for Christmas 2019.
August- Eliot and I continued to keep ourselves busy with orders. We went to see Toy Story 4 at the drive-in. We visited my parents one weekend and they treated us to tickets to our favorite comedian Trevor Noah. Dad came down one weekend to help us with projects around the house. Eliot and I took a weekend getaway to go to Six Flags and we visited BoxLunch and Yankee Candle while in western Massachusetts.
October- Honestly, October went by in a blur. I worked on a lot of mouse ear orders and samples to prepare for our upcoming holiday trips in November and December since I knew we'd only be home for 14 days over an 8 week period.
2019 was pretty much as good at it gets. As you can tell by the lack of links toward the end of the year, I didn't have any time to blog as 2019 came to a close. Eliot and I were truly blessed to be able to travel as much as we did.
For me, 2019 was definitely a year of adjustments, highs, and lows. But overall, we had a really great year. And compared to 2020... 2019 was incredible. Stay tuned because 2020's Year in Review will be here tomorrow! °o°
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