Saturday, July 4, 2020

Independence Day 2020

Happy Independence Day... sort of.  I have to admit that celebrating our "freedom" after spending months at home seems a little weird.  I also have to admit that for the first time in forever... I haven't been looking forward to today.

As I mentioned in my Throwback Thursday post, Eliot and I aren't going to Bar Harbor this year.  Up until this past week... I still held on to hope that we'd go.  But, at this point, there isn't much to do.  All of the usual 4th of July events and celebrations have been cancelled.  A lot of things aren't even open.  I was ready to make a weekend out of going to our favorite places for "to go" orders, but it really didn't seem worth it.

But, I have to admit that I've been blessed.  While so many people have already been grieving their trips, vacations, weddings, graduations and other events that have been effected, this is the first thing (other than Elissa's UNE graduation) that Eliot and I had plans for when the coronavirus started.  Now, much like the weekend that should have been Elissa's graduation, I'm left with the bitter taste of disappointment and sorrow.  I find myself thinking about celebrating past 4th of Julys in Bar Harbor and grieving the festive and fun weekend that would have... should have been...

However, I'm still determined to make this 4th of July festive and fun in it's own way.

This year, Eliot and I have some less exciting plans, but I'm still trying to hold on to some semblance of celebration.  Today didn't really go as I'd originally hoped, but that's ok.  So far, we've gone on a really exciting trip to the grocery store for another stock up mission.  As I've been organizing my clothes, of course I couldn't find any of my red, white and blue shirts.  But I did at least wear a red, white and blue headband.

The rest of the day, we've been working on the house, organizing and cleaning.  Now that it's evening, we're going to finish our projects and settle in for a movie.  Instead of our usual Hallmark movies, I'm hoping that we can watch Hamilton on Disney+.  Eliot and I have never seen it and have never even heard the soundtrack.  (I wanted to experience it all at once.)  I'm really excited to finally experience the full show!

The day hasn't been a total wash though.  While at the grocery store, I bought a giant 4th of July cookie cake.  It's not the 4th of July without some red, white and blue treats!

I was planning to do an indoor BBQ for dinner.  We had one on another 4th of July when Eliot and I lived in Massachusetts and I had to work so we couldn't get home to Bar Harbor.  We had my brother Jeremy come down and the three of us cooked in Eliot's and my apartment and then enjoyed watching the Boston 4th of July fireworks on tv.  It was different, but fun!  However, at this point in the evening, I don't feel like doing all of the prep work.  I've got the necessary items to do it in a few days though!

We've also got a little bit of festive decor.  Most of it is still in storage, but Eliot and I did find these cute Mickey and Minnie door greeters at Walmart a few weeks ago.  They are standing on our stairway.  (Sorry for the terrible lighting in the photo.  Our stairway has no lights so it gets really dark at dusk and at night.)

Finally, I'm hoping to end the evening with a viewing of the special Magic Kingdom 4th of July Fireworks on YouTube.  Disney is also showing a pre-recorded show from 2018 on Facebook so we might watch that as well!

It's definitely not the Independence Day that I'd like to have, and I'm very homesick, but this will do considering the circumstances.  Here's to hoping next year we can make up for this year with Bar Harbor's parade, fireworks and a fun-filled holiday weekend!

Happy 4th of July!!!  °o°

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