And just like that, another session of sewing is over. It's hard to believe that it's already been 8 weeks of sewing class... but in reality, it's actually been ten weeks due to a snowstorm and April vacation week. These 10 weeks have flown by. But thankfully, since we had both a morning and evening class this time, I feel like I got a ton done.
I was worried that this session of my sewing classes would be rough knowing that Nana was gone, but most weeks I actually felt a sense of calmness and assurance that she was there with me in spirit. I feel really good that I'm still doing it, because I know how happy it made her to know that I was learning. I know she would be impressed with all of the projects that I finished this session... so that brings me comfort too.
This session was special because it was the first time Eliot was able to join me. He's got a bit of a love/hate relationship with is sewing skills so far, but he's definitely been learning. He is going to join me again this fall, and he's looking forward to learning more about sewing and how to use his embroidery machine. He also keeps talking about how he's going to practice sewing in a straight line. I'm so glad that he enjoyed himself in class and that he's coming back with me this fall!
I think the most exciting part for me personally was all that I was able to accomplish this class. As I told you a few weeks ago, I finished the tote bags that I've literally been working on for years. I've done parts of them here and there, but I never finished them. Now that they're done, I'm more excited to slowly start working on a bunch of the other bags that I started cutting main fabrics for!
I also started and finished a Rainbow Mickey tiered skirt. It wasn't something that I was planning to make, but when I came across my fabric, I knew that I had to! I love how it turned out. I was pretty picky trying to match up the colors on each tier so the whole thing would be rainbow when I turned. It came out pretty good considering that it's only my second skirt that I've made! (Apparently, I didn't take photos of it... oops!)
After I finished that, I decided to make a red, white and blue tiered skirt. Joann has a star pattern fabric with those colors as the background, but the pattern is the same on all of them. I knew it would be perfect to make a skirt since it would be cohesive. Plus, who can resist how fun a tiered red, white and blue skirt is?!? I literally just had time to finish it during our last evening sewing class this past Tuesday, but I did it! Woo-hoo!
I'm super excited for what's next. A few weeks ago, I went through all of my sewing notes and I made a master idea list. I've already highlighted a few things that I would like to work on this fall. Now, I feel like I'm a lot more organized so I'll know what I want to work on. It will also be easier to find another project to work on if one of the others isn't working out or I can't find the fabric that I need for it. I see more skirts, tote bags, valances and maybe some new things in my future... and the future is bright! °o°
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