Happy Birthday to me!!! Happy Birthday to me! Today, I'm 38 and feeling great!
Much like last year, having my birthday fall on a weekend tempted me into taking the weekend off for a quick getaway. I went through a few different ideas (New York City, Springfield MA, San Jose for a few Sharks games, etc.), but with Eliot's and my supersized Walt Disney World trip coming up in 40 days, it really didn't make sense.
My family was going to meet up with us in August like we did last year, but since we'll be going up to Trenton on Wednesday for Thanksgiving, I said it wasn't necessary. It was a lot of travel for everyone to only have a meal together. I've got a few things up my sleeve that Eliot and I can do anyways! Nothing is 100% set in stone, but we have a direction to head in. Whatever we end up doing, I'm sure it will be a great day!
ChEars to 38 being another wonderful year! °o°
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