Happy 9th Birthday Happily Ever Hatter!!!
Today, my "first born" turns nine... and I can't believe that I've almost been running my business for a decade! Through the years, I've learned so much. Eliot and I have created tons of products and designs. And I've still got many ideas for new products!
This should be a milestone year for Happily Ever Hatter. One of my biggest goals for 2023 is to create and release some of the new products that I've been hinting at for a while now. I've retired the mouse ear hats, and we are definitely still going strong with 3D printed mouse ears. Unfortunately, the hair clips have been kind of hit or miss...
But there's still plenty more in store!
I've got 3-4 new products that I've wanted to dive into for a while now. And I think 2023 is going to be my year to do it. I feel a lot of creative juices flowing through me, so I want to take advantage of that. The sky is the limit! I can't wait to get started on these new ideas, and to bring my visions to life. (I'll be sure to share them along the way!)
Happy Birthday Happily Ever Hatter! Cheers to more years of making ears!!! °o°
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