Friday, May 22, 2020

Fun Find: Magical Quarantine Memes (Part 9)

It's hard to believe, but we're already at Memorial Day Weekend.  Back in March when we first started social distancing, I wasn't sure how we'd ever get to this point... but we did it!  It's Friday so that means it's time for more Magical Quarantine Memes!  Here's the quick backstory about this series: I've seen a lot of funny memes on Facebook while scrolling through my newsfeed.  These past few months have been rough on all of us, so I started to save the memes that made me laugh.  Then, I decided to share them on here to bring a bit of joy to everyone.  Wow, we're at round 8... Here we go!!!  

Here's Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6, Part 7 and Part 8.

Let's be real... did any of us really think things would look like this?

Dash has a very valid point... we survived March and April.  Barely.

*Sigh*  I really do miss the most beautiful bathrooms in all the kingdom.

I haven't checked my temperature lately... but this is probably what it would say.

Can I post this on every comment thread of every Disney page over on Facebook?

Going into Memorial Day weekend, this is how we Mainers currently feel.  #StayHome

Speaking of current events, this is how my Facebook newsfeed felt this week.

I'm not sure 2020 can get much weirder... No wait... Katy Perry in a Dumbo suit.  It did.

I'm pretty sure that I've reached that point this week... 

I'm ashamed to admit that I laughed way too hard at this.

Ooh more food choices... let's see.  I'm choosing House #1 or House #6.

We all were so quick to judge Anna... regretting that decision right about now.

I haven't had a drinky drink in a few days... might have to remedy that this weekend!

We don't have a cat, but from what I hear this is accurate when working at home.

OMG... too funny.  I kind of want to do this.  (I really have lost my marbles...)

Forky is my hero.  Now every time someone asks what day it is I'll answer like this...

I've saved another favorite for last.  I love this song and it's perfect for right now!!!

I hope you liked this batch of magical memes.  I'm not sure how this is even possible, but I still have more so Part 10 of my Magical Quarantine Memes series will be coming next Friday!  In the meantime, take care of yourselves and enjoy your weekend!!!  °o°

Please Note: I did not make any of these memes and I don't claim ownership of the photos or the jokes.  Most of them I've seen uncredited on Facebook from other people who have shared them.  I just wanted to put them all in one spot so we might try to find some humor in a dark time when we could use a smile.

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