Today is National Crayon Day! I know, I know... now I'm getting into celebrating the obscure holidays. But, I love crayons; I always have. I love the smell when I first open a fresh, new box of Crayola crayons. I love how uniformly sharpened they are. There is something really beautiful about all of the colors lined up together inside of the box.
As a child, I adored coloring. It was one of my all time favorite activities. Even today, as an adult, I still love to color. It's so calming and relaxing to me. I love color and how coloring makes things come alive on the page. It's like magic.
As an adult, it's easy for the simple joys in life to get away from you. Eliot and I got back into coloring a few months ago when we were home at my parents' house for Thanksgiving. He had forgotten how much he liked coloring. Eliot's realized that it's a good way for him to decompress and relax. He had a stressful day at work a few weeks ago, so he came home and got his coloring book out. Once he completed his page, he felt a lot better. He's also gotten a binder to put all of his finished pages in.
I'd like to make coloring part of my nightly ritual, but I have to make time and space to do it. Ideally, I'd love to have a tray table and a chair next to my side of the bed where I can read or color before bedtime. I picture myself listening to peaceful Disney piano music while coloring each night before getting to bed. It sounds so relaxing!
I'm a huge fan of adult coloring books. Over the years, I've picked up a few Disney themed ones. I usually have one on my Christmas list so I have a small collection of them now. (Amazon is a great resource to find them!) But Eliot and I also have some kids coloring books. They're a lot easier to color an entire page in one sitting. Eliot also bought a few new ones after work a few weeks ago.
I also need to look into printable pages. I have a few resources to get Disney themed coloring pages online. During quarantine, I found a bunch of free Disney pages from Crayola and Coloring 4 Kids. I also found a few artists who make cool coloring pages that they sell on Etsy! There are so many resources and possibilities online!
I'm planning to color something tonight when I get home from work! Today is my first day helping out at the chiropractic office, but I still want to make time to color since I was planning on doing it anyways. It's National Crayon Day... there's no better time!
Happy National Crayon Day!!! Color something wonderful! °o°
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