Aloha August!!! How is it already August?!?!? This year is flying right by...
But that shouldn't surprise me.
Eliot and I have been keeping busy the past few weeks. Business is booming, which means a lot of our time has been spent working on orders for both of the businesses.
I've also had a bunch of doctor's appointments the past two months. Everything is good, but I've had a lot of follow-ups and getting all of our medical stuff updated. I also had that minor surgery back on July 21st, so all of that has keep us busy. Thankfully, the only appointments coming up on the schedule in August is our teeth cleanings and Eliot's monthly massage- and they're all actually on the same day!
Even though we've been incredibly busy, Eliot and I have still made time whenever possible to work on the house. It's been warm outside, so we haven't made major strides- but we have done a little bit of work. The past few weeks, Eliot has been trying to organize the basement a little. Meanwhile, I've been working on organizing stuff in the master bedroom and guest bedroom upstairs. Some days I don't feel that it looks like I even did anything... but I know every little bit helps!
I do have some exciting news! As of yesterday, I reached 100 blog posts for 2021. I haven't been trying to stick to a strict schedule, but I do have a new method that seems to be working! I can't believe that I've already hit 100... my loose goal is usually 150 posts a year, and having 5 more months to write 50 posts feels easy peasy. Woo-hoo!
It's definitely been a busy summer. Eliot and I have tried to make some time for fun, but we really haven't done much lately. We've been so focused on the businesses and our house that we haven't carved out time to take breaks. The past week or so, we haven't watched many Hallmark movies either- even though they're showing some of our favorite Christmas movies. Instead, we've replaced movies with coverage of the Olympics running in the background while we spend our weekends working.
However, summer isn't going to be around forever and I'm not going to let our entire summer pass by without enjoying it. Eliot and I have done that in the past, and that leads to burnout. Considering how busy we are with both businesses right now, we're expecting things to only get busier with the holiday season approaching.
I'm really looking forward to August and enjoying more summer activities. I still have quite a bit to cross off of that Summer Bucket List so I better get working on it! August sounds like the perfect time to soak in that warm summer glow!!! °o°
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