Happy Friday Friends! It's my first Fun Find Friday of 2022 and I thought that it would be fun to start the year off with a bang... quite literally!
While scrolling on YouTube the other day, I came across this suggested video. The first time I saw Enchantment, I wasn't thoroughly impressed. It lacked the depth of magnitude I was looking for with Walt Disney World celebrating it's 50th Anniversary.
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However, I decided that I'd watch it again with a fresh perspective. I have to admit, this time, I really was able to enjoy the show and the castle projections. This video has a wonderful edit with multiple camera angles. I felt like this edit of the show really made the show appear as spectacular as it should be. And although I still haven't seen it in person, this video of it made me really excited to experience Enchantment in person!
I've also had a chance to listen to the soundtrack a few times. I do really love the song. It goes along with my whole Magic Maker philosophy and how the magic lives inside of each of us. We all have the power to make our dreams come true.
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I hope you enjoy this video of Disney Enchantment and that it inspires you to have a magical 2022! "Doesn't matter where you are, 'cause the spark is in your heart."
You are the magic!!! °o°
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