Well 2022, you have clearly got jokes. Not long after I declared my 2022 word of the year as balance, you decide to throw the gauntlet at me. The past few weeks, I have gotten a real crash course in trying to find balance in my life. And it's been a struggle, but somehow I'm keeping my head above the water.
The good news? I'm even more resolved in my decision to leave my "real" job to work at home on our businesses full time. I've mentioned that I've been covering for my replacement at the chiropractic office here and there. As of today, I'll have covered 2 days in December, 4 in January and 2 in February. (One of those is next week.) It's been a thrill to see the doctors, our patients and to say hi to everyone, but it's also taken away a lot of time that I thought I was going to be working on our house and exploring some personal passion projects.
The past few days, I've felt a bit overwhelmed. Balancing everything wasn't really bothering me, but I'm suddenly looking at my February calendar and it's filling up- quickly. I'm feeling a sense of anxiety that I haven't felt in a really long time. I'm so used to staying home all the time, especially over the past two years with the COVID pandemic, that I'm now going into panic mode looking at a fuller calendar.
Last week wasn't too bad. Eliot and I both had two hour filling appointments at the dentist on Tuesday and then I worked Thursday afternoon. Unfortunately, Wednesday was a wash since I spent most of the day on the couch in pain. (My gums and mouth were really sore.) This week, I worked yesterday and I'm most likely not going in on Thursday or Friday unless the office has a ton of patients call in for appointments.
Next week is where I'm panicking a little. Eliot and I have our teeth cleanings on Monday. I'm going in to help at the office on Tuesday. Then, we each have another short filling appointment on Thursday to finish up our dental work. That probably doesn't sound like a lot, but since the appointments are in the middle of the day, it throws our schedule off. I also haven't been sleeping well the nights before I'm going into the office, so the rest of the day is usually a wash since I have to take a nap.
The saving grace is that hockey will be on break all week for the All Star Game, so we won't have any Sharks games. Plus, I have nothing scheduled the following week, or the week after that... right up until we leave for California on Friday the 25th. And I'm planning to keep it that way. I've got so much that I wanted to get done. As excited as I am about our trip, it will be here before I know it and there's still so much to do!
As such, my blog posts will probably not be as frequent. There's a lot of empty space on my February blog calendar, and I'll probably keep it that way unless I really want to write about something. I keep having to push off my Pittsburg recap posts because I don't have time to sit down and spend hours writing them. Plus, I still haven't even finished my Virginia recaps from our trip last September.
There are probably going to be a lot of posts popping up after the fact. So if you're a frequent reader, there might be things you're missing. I'm hoping to finish the rest of my 2021 posts before our trip. (I've got four more to finish.) Once I've finished all of those, I'll add a current post over here linking to the ones that I snuck in.
I'm also trying not to give up on my Winter Bucket List, even though that seems like a really tall task now. It's not the end of the world if I don't get to do most of the stuff on it. But because it's supposed to be something I'm doing in order to enjoy the season, and some leisurely time, it feels like I'm letting myself down by not attempting it. The first day of spring isn't until March 20th, so I'll probably allow myself to milk it through then, even though I originally intended it to be mostly for January and February.
I've also got a few house cleaning and organization projects that I want to tackle. Eliot and I have got a lot of things that we wanted to work on, and finish, this winter. We've made progress, but I have barely scratched the surface on what I want to get done during the cold months. I'm hoping to switch my focus to that over the next few weeks so we'll be able to enjoy more time outside once the weather is nicer.
As for my passion projects, those are the kinds of things that I'd really like to make time for. I know that I need to be creative outside of our businesses, and I've got a few things that I want to work on. There are projects that I'll post on here, but I also want to work on some other stuff. I'd like to use those new jewelry supplies and tools that I got for Christmas. I'm also hoping to get back into working with polymer clay. I've seen a bunch of videos on Pinterest and they've inspired me to get back into that. I'd also love to work on some paintings, new home decor and some sewing projects!
If I'm not popping in around here as often as I have been, all is good! Hopefully, it means that I'm working on establishing a balance between our schedule, businesses, cleaning, organizing, and finding time to work on some creative projects! °o°
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