Friday, April 3, 2020

Fun Find: Magical Quarantine Memes (Part 2)

It's time for another round of my Magical Quarantine Memes series.  As I mentioned in my last installment, I've seen a lot of funny memes on Facebook and I've been saving them.  I thought it would bring a little bit of joy to share the Disney ones that I've found.

I went through my current folder and I still have plenty more to share so expect at least another two rounds of Magical Quarantine Memes over the coming weeks!

April will be better... we hope.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention be like... 

Disney Cast Members... and the rest of us.

I'm sure a lot of people feel this way right about now.

This was the first thing I thought of when this all started... the Kingdom of Corona!

Be like him.

How we all feel right now.

Hug a travel agent... well, virtually hug a travel agent.  Trust me, we need it.

My thoughts exactly...

Also me.

In case you need a new hand-washing song, "One little spark of inspiration..."

It really is a whole new world.

This is probably true... has anyone checked?

Home is the best place for us right now.

Finally... I've saved another one of my absolute favorites for last.  This has made me laugh out loud every time I've seen it!  I absolutely love this scene in Frozen 2!!!

I hope you enjoyed this round of magical quarantine memes.  I'll post Part 3 of my Magical Quarantine Memes series next Friday!  Be well friends!  °o°

Please Note: I did not make any of these memes and I don't claim ownership of the photos or the jokes.  Most of them I've seen uncredited on Facebook from other people who have shared them.  I just wanted to put them all in one spot so we might try to find some humor in a dark time when we could use a smile.

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