Saturday, April 11, 2020

Rolling with the Punches

Hi friends!  It's been a few days since I sat down to write.  (My post from yesterday was scheduled in advance so I haven't actually written in a few days.)  I hope this week has been kind to you and that you're healthy and well.  I'm hanging in and trying to stay positive, but it has been hard.  One second, I feel absolutely wonderful and the next I'm hanging on for dear life but I'm getting better at rolling with the punches.

Eliot and I have both been experiencing some mild symptoms.  I don't think either of us have the coronavirus, but every single tiny symptom is still very scary.  We've both had migraines that have lasted a few days and sore throats on and off.  Neither of us have had a fever but Eliot still checks his temperature a few times a day.

The headaches have been the worst part.  Last week, Eliot had one from Wednesday through Saturday.  The week prior, I was in bed most of Tuesday and Thursday.  The logical part of my brain reminds me that it's probably allergy related.  I've heard that the pollen count was high, so I'm thinking that might be the cause, but it's still scary.  I've become more much attached to my Flonase bottle and try to use it once a day.

The hardest things for Eliot and I to overcome have been exhaustion, insomnia and a complete lack of motivation.  I think it's mostly stress related.  Everyone is stressed out so it's not surprising that both of us have had a hard time sleeping lately.  Whether it's trying to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night... we've been there, done that.  At this point, I'm running off 5-6 hours of sleep a night when I'm used to 7-9.

The benefit to the extra hours that I've found in my day is that I have more time to be creative.  I've had a hard time keeping myself motivated to get off the couch this week, but I've still been keeping myself busy!  I've been more active in brainstorming and working on some projects on my laptop.  I've also got more ideas for new products for all of our small businesses.  Creating gives me a sense of stability, so I'm rolling with it.

I'm not the only one who has found solace in designing.  Eliot's been working on a bunch of 3D designs to print.  He's made a few custom mouse ear designs for our customers.  He's also found a few designs online that he's printed when we haven't been busy printing ears.  I've got quite a collection of little figures.  So far, we've added three Bruni, a Bing Bong, a Toothless and a Dory.  He's also started printing some parts that will be assembled into a special piece for my office!  My favorite of all the things he's printed has been the large Disney keys.  He's made me three of them and I think they'll go on the walls of my office, our living room and our bedroom!

Of course, we're still working hard to finalize mouse ear orders.  We're trying to get them out as quickly as we can just in case the post offices close.  We mailed out a few orders this morning and we've got another batch to mail out next week.  Things are still slow, but it's allowing us the flexibility to accept more custom orders so that's a plus.

Eliot and I have also been watching a lot of Hallmark movies.  You might have heard that they've had Christmas movie marathons on a few weekends.  We've been recording the movies we missed during the holiday season.  We've been watching all of the new premieres on Saturday nights.  There have also been a few from previous years that we've never seen before.  (Now that we both have the Hallmark movie app to track them, we're trying to go back and watch them all.)  We've watched so many Hallmark movies lately that I finally declared that I needed a little bit of a break!

Last Friday, after we watched Onward, Eliot was ready to start watching more Hallmark movies but I suggested that we start a television series instead.  The episodes are only about 45 minutes so we can watch two of them in place of each Hallmark movie.  Also, if it's late at night, we can still watch one episode without forcing ourselves to watch an entire movie.  He agreed to this plan... the only question was what to watch?

I quickly suggested a show that I've already seen in it's entirety, but that he had only seen a few episodes of.  He's expressed a desire to watch it from the beginning and I figured this was a great time to watch a show filled with fantasy, a dash of Disney and most importantly- hope.  That's how we found ourselves watching Once Upon A Time.

Last weekend, we watched a bunch of episodes.  We saw a few this week, but Eliot worked late most of this week so we had to put it on hold.  Thursday night when he came home, it was time to fire up the Netflix and resume watching.  I've enjoyed watching it again.  I've forgotten about so much of the story but it all comes rushing back as we're watching.  Eliot's had to ask a few questions about the jumping timelines and realms, but he's followed along for the most part.  It's been a really nice escape.

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Eliot and I have also gotten some magical mail that's brightened our week.  I received the Cinderella Fairy Godmother dress that I ordered from Her Universe.  (It was 30% off and they only had 2 left in my size so I decided it was fate and I ordered it.)  I'm so glad that I got it.  It's absolutely adorable with the Fairy Godmother and Cinderella's mice friends!  It will look really cute with a few of my other accessories.

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In addition to that, our Scentsy order that Eliot's Mom ordered us arrived.  We've added a Mickey tart warmer to our collection.  We're planning to put him in our Mickey and Minnie themed master bathroom.  I got another tart warmer for my office and we also got a few new wax tart scents.  It was our first time ordering anything from Scentsy but we really liked everything we got!  I hope they make more Disney tart warmers!

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I was pleasantly surprised when my Monsters Inc Scream Canister Coin Purse from Harveys arrived earlier today.  I ordered it when they released a second wave of them on Wednesday.  It usually takes me a full week to receive my Harveys purchases.  I was so excited to get it and open it!  It's detailed, tiny and cute!  I absolutely love it!  

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Finally, the highlight of my entire week arrived in the mail yesterday.  Earlier this week, I ordered the painting that I've been admiring on Etsy for months.  My favorite small shop artist, Marnie Bourque, paints the most beautiful Disney paintings.  I've ordered two other original paintings from her, as well as some postcards.  The paintings are all absolutely stunning.  She's very talented.  Her art always transports me back into the parks and into those magical moments.  My newest addition is called "Bliss" and I'm so in love with it.  It's going to live in my office where it will inspire me every day.

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All in all, I had a pretty decent week.  It certainly wasn't a very productive one, but I'm hoping that will change as Eliot and I have a lot we're trying to accomplish around the house this weekend.  It feels weird during those moments of normalcy... like the entire world around me is burning and I'm just sitting there going about my business.  But, we have to do out best to keep moving forward.  

I'm taking it one day at a time- enjoying the good moments and hanging on during the not so good ones.  I'll just keep rolling with the punches.  °o°

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