Well, you can't win them all. And in the case of my 2022 Spring Bucket List... I barely even scratched the surface. Oh well! There's always next year!
As you know, I've been making seasonal bucket lists since last summer. Ever since Eliot and I were fully vaccinated about a year ago, I've been more than ready to get back out in the world and do things. I enjoyed the summer bucket list so much, that I kept making them for autumn, the holidays, and for winter.
My winter bucket list didn't go as well as the others, so I pulled a lot of those things over to the spring bucket list. (Spoiler Alert: I still didn't get any of those accomplished in the spring either.) I'm not too upset about these results though. Eliot and I have been a lot busier than I could have imagined these past few weeks. Plus, I had about three weeks of pretty intense stomach problems, so I lost a lot of time during that.
Anyways, let's just see how this all turned out...
1.) Do Some Spring Cleaning
This was probably my single most important goal of my spring bucket list. So if there's only one thing that I needed to accomplish in order to feel good, it was this one. Eliot and I still have a lot of stuff that we're tying to do, but I made a lot of progress on our master bedroom and with my master closet. It feels good!
This was just a fun thing that I haven't done in years. Maybe I can this summer...?
Eliot and I are finally able to use our oven again. Eliot gave it a good scrub a few weekends ago. While we still need to clean the oven racks and give it one more cleaning, we are using it again and I've been able to make pre-mixed cookies!
This is silly, but I really wanted to blow bubbles. Eliot bought me a little bubble gun and we've been having way too much fun with it!
Easter kind of crept up on me and I didn't even think of doing this until it was too late.
I realized after I made this goal that I don't even know where I put my tabletop easel. (I think it got moved during Squirrel Gate.) I'll have to find it between now and the fall.
I had a few different ideas for this, but I never got the supplies in order to do them!
This was supposed to happen during Eliot's and my trip up to Trenton and Bar Harbor over Memorial Day Weekend. Unfortunately, with my stomach problems, we lost an entire day to me being in bed instead of going out and exploring the island.
This is silly, but I've really been wanting to make chocolate covered strawberries lately!
I had added this with the idea that we might finally have the basketball hoop that Eliot has requested for his birthday multiple years in a row... but we still haven't gotten it!
This was one of my winter goals that I pulled over... and we still haven't done it.
This is another winter goal that I pulled to this list. We had wanted to play a game with my brother over Memorial Day weekend, but again stomach issues had me in bed.
I really should have just done this. I wanted to have pretty pastel pink nails!
This was another casualty to my stomach problems. No Jordan Pond Hike for me.
I have enjoyed seeing lots of nature! Eliot and I watched the birds at my parents' house and while there we saw lots of small birds, a blue jay, woodpecker and even Mom and Dad's first cardinal! Our squirrels and chipmunks have always been close by and we've seen many deer during our travels around the state. We actually had a fox in our yard a few weeks ago. And we're always very happy to see "Munchie" (our resident groundhog) and our newest friend "Mrs. Munch" eating the dandelions out in our backyard throughout the day. We love our critter friends!
I had hoped to visit the Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens after having so much fun going there for Gardens Aglow on my birthday! Maybe over the summer!
I didn't check this off because we didn't go on any walks or hikes, or play basketball outside, or do a lot of those things. But I have enjoyed being outside when I am.
I've got a new pack of sidewalk chalk that wants to be used... maybe this summer!
And there are you have it! Five out of 20 isn't great, but it isn't awful. I've also got a few of these on my summer bucket list that I've been working on, so I'm not completely upset about it. Plus, I'm planning to continue to do this for each season going forward; these goals will all probably make it on to another one of my lists eventually anyways!
Hopefully I'll have plenty of time to work on these goals in the future! °o°
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