Friday, September 9, 2022

Fun Find: D23 Expo Hype Videos

The 2022 D23 Expo kicks off this morning in Anaheim and I am so excited!  We have waited what seems like forever for this day to arrive... and it's finally here!!!

Photo from D23 Expo Email
Today, I thought it would be fun to post a few videos.  D23 has released these videos through the years to get people excited about the upcoming expo- kind of like a sports team "hype" video you might see before a big game.  The video below was released for this year and highlights things from the past few D23 Expo events!

This video is a bunch of highlights from the 2019 D23 Expo that we didn't go to.

Finally, the video below was released for the 2019 Expo with highlights from the 2017 D23 Expo.  (These highlights are from the only other D23 Expo event that I attended!)

I hope you enjoyed these fun videos that will give you an idea of what the 2022 D23 Expo will look like.  It's sure to be a fun and magical weekend!!!  °o°

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